Ask and you shall receive is a real thing.
It's a universal principle that when used properly can activate
magic, miracles, ease, joy and so much more.
What would it be like if you could simply ask....and receive?
No more pushing and forcing, no more struggling and being a victim.
You, ignited as the infinite being you truly are meant to be.
What contribution could that be in your life?
How about the world?
We have all been programmed with lots of limitations, from our parents, society, culture, past lives. We have so many energetic programs running on our "hard drive", so to speak, that even when we are clear on what we'd like to create, it doesn't always actualize.
Why? Because you have conflicting energies running.
For example, the limitation or old program that you got from your mom, "money burns a hole in your pocket", is running in the background. But you're asking for your business to surpass 6 figures. So what is showing up in your life is money comes in but you spend it all... or extra bills come up and you never have any money left over, and never feel like you are getting ahead.
Now, if you delete this old program, your energetic field is totally different and it's much easier to make different choices and often times, magical miracles occur.
Have you ever felt like you were in YOUR flow?
Yeah, everything is working out for you, life keeps getting better and better.
That's what's it's like when you learn how to use Ask & Receive to create your life!
All of life comes to you with ease, joy and glory!®
In this new membership, exclusive to Cory Michelle, we'll be clearing old programing out of your energy field, out of your consciousness and enabling you to create a greater life for yourself. This is your personal BOOST!
Thank you for you, and I wonder what could be possible?
Cory Michelle
Certifiable F'ing Miracle worker
Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator
Creator, Crazy Possible Experiment™
Unicorn Magic Activator